Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Education News - 22 Jan 2008

-The Lynx bus agency will have a town-hall meeting from 6 to 7 p.m. tonight at the University of Central Florida to hear from riders about the system and how they would like to see it change.
Source: www.orlandosentinel.com

There's no hope with the current political parties, because none are committed to public service" but instead are based on personalities, dynasties and profit, said Rasul Bakhsh Rais, a political scientist at Lahore University of Management Sciences ...
Source: www.msnbc.msn.com

Twenty years ago, no Negev bedouin women went to university, but now hundreds are there. Jessica Shepherd reports
Source: education.guardian.co.uk

Entrance requirements at six University of North Carolina campuses are getting tougher. via Charlotte Channel 9
Source: www.topix.com

Children who are made fun of for being overweight may carry deep psychological scars because of it, according to The Boston Globe. A new Yale University study "found that overweight and obese children who are subjected to verbal taunts and...
Source: blogs.edweek.org


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