Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Education News - 5 Feb 2008

Thursday, Feb. 7 YORK UNIVERSITY'S SIXTH annual Intercut event features dramatized readings from original scripts by aspiring screenwriters from the Department of Film, performed by young actors fro...
Source: insidetoronto.com

The site offers free video, audio, and print lectures and course material taken straight from the university's classes.
Source: www.edweek.org

University of London scents huge opportunities in India's expansion plans for higher education. Donald MacLeod reports
Source: education.guardian.co.uk

"There's no downside to taking both, but as you're thinking about and planning your sophomore and junior year, take those practice tests up front, and then focus on preparing for one." Every university in the country accepts both the SAT and the ACT college admissions tests from incoming freshmen.But not every college-bound student should take both tests.As graduating seniors finish their applications and take their admissions tests in March and April, they should keep in mind that there are significant differences between the ACT and the College Board's SAT, including the length of the test, the subjects tested and even a penalty for wrong answers.'They are both very respected college admissions tests, and both are good indicators of how a student might perform in college,' said Kristen Campbell, national director of SAT and ACT programs for Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions. Read more
Source: www.topix.com

By 2011, the University of Illinois should be the home of the world’s fastest supercomputer. ... University to build speediest supercomputer Fastest now has only a third of next ...
Source: www.msnbc.msn.com


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