Recent research from a University of Missouri study shows that not everyone is cut out for online learning. Students with certain qualities such as responsibility and determination are more likely to be successful when learning online. Here's what the study found:
"Correlations between learning styles and success in distance education have shown to be inconclusive," Strickland said. "However, one common theme reappears: the successful traits of a distance learner are similar to the successful traits of an adult learner in traditional educational settings."Obviously, online schools can improve their retention rates by designing courses to be more interactive and offering ample support. However, there is no panacea. Many students thrive in online classes, some never will.
With a mere 30 percent of distance learners actually completing their courses, learning more about the characteristics of these students would help educators structure online courses to be as beneficial as possible. Considering the lack of institutional support and isolation involved in the nature of online courses, success in these courses requires a person that is determined and responsible, Strickland said."
See full article.
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